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There are several convictions that drive our philosophy of ministering to teenagers.  In addition to our general philosophy of ministry listed on our church's home page, here are a few very specific identifiers of how we minister to teenagers at Parker Bible Church. 



We view teenagers as young adults, not children.  They are in a very unique time of transition from childhood to adulthood.  We seek to walk alongside them in this very important time of transition by helping them leave behind childhood and move forward into adult maturity.  This has a major impact on our depth of teaching, expectations, and involvement in ministry.    



We believe the Bible has given the responsibility to parents and the church for the evangelism and discipleship of children (Duet. 6:7, Eph. 4:11-16). However, for much of childhood and teenage years, parents will have the most time and opportunity to do these with their children.  Students are at church or on church functions far less than they are in the home.  This is why we place such a high priority on partnering with parents in the evangelism and discipleship of their children.



Not every student that attends Parker Bible Church is a Christian but that is most definitely our prayer.  As students hear the Gospel, trust in Christ, and turn from sin, we do not turn our attention to worldly entertainment but to deep discipleship and equipping for ministry.  This means that we teach them doctrine, theology, spiritual disciplines, and ministry training.  Our primary foundation in doing all of this is expository preaching and teaching.  


For a more comprehensive list of our philosophies and beliefs at Parker Bible Church click on the ABOUT link at


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